598 research outputs found

    P2P Based Architecture for Global Home Agent Dynamic Discovery in IP Mobility

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    Mobility in packet networks has become a critical issue in the last years. Mobile IP and the Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol are the IETF proposals to provide mobility. However, both of them introduce performance limitations, due to the presence of an entity (Home Agent) in the communication path. Those problems have been tried to be solved in different ways. A family of solutions has been proposed in order to mitigate those problems by allowing mobile devices to use several geographically distributed Home Agents (thus making shorter the communication path). These techniques require a method to discover a close Home Agent, among those geographically distributed, to the mobile device. This paper proposes a peer-topeer based solution, called Peer-to-Peer Home Agent Network, in order to discover a close Home Agent. The proposed solution is simple, fully global, dynamic and it can be developed in IPv4 and IPv6.No publicad

    UT Pictura : El imaginario iconográfico en la obra de Vincenzo Consolo (I)

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    Tomando en consideración el conjunto de la obra de Consolo se muestra cómo la referencia al discurso iconográfico se convierte desde los primeros textos -no desde Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, ni sólo en esa novela- en el cauce priviliegiado por el que discurre la constante temática de la reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la escritura, al tiempo que la multiplicación de alusiones al imaginario plástico -el haz de relaciones intratextuales y de autocitas que su presencia permite describir- constituye uno de los factores determinantes de la coherencia macrotextual de toda su narrativa.Taking into consideration Consolo's work in its entirety, one can see from his first texts -not from Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio, nor only in that novel- how the reference to iconographic discourse becomes the privileged channel through which flows the gushing subject of reflection on the nature of writing, whilst the increase in allusions to plastic imagery -the flow of intratextual relationships and self-quoting that its presence allows a description of- represents one of the determining factors in the macrotextual coherence of all his narrative

    El Decameron de Pasolini: manipulación “de autor”

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    La prosa de Boccaccio se traduce en «cine de poesía»; Pasolini transforma en detenimiento, en «inmediatez alucinatoria», la duración lógica y psicológica, el movimiento novelesco del personaje boccacciano. Las consonancias iconográficas suponen otras tantas claves para la intelección del proceso, que concluye en la construcción del «discípulo de Giotto», una suerte de autorretrato fictivo.Boccaccio’s prose is translated as “cinema of poetry”; Pasolini transforms in detail in “hallucinatory immediacy,” the logical and psychological life, movement boccacciano fictional character. The tunes iconographic pose as many keys to the insight of the process, which ends in the construction of the “disciple of Giotto”, a sort of fictional self

    Combining benchmarking and chain-linking for short-term regional forecasting

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    In this paper we propose a methodology to estimate and forecast the GDP of the different regions of a country, providing quarterly profiles paper offers a new instrument for short degree of synchronicity among regional business cycles. Technically, we combine time series models with benchma quarterly indicators and to estimate quarterly regional GDPs ensuring their temporal and transversal consistency with the National Accounts data. The methodology addresses the issue of non-additivity taking into account linked volume indexes used by the National Accounts and provides an efficient combination of structural as well as short-term information. The methodology is illustrated by an application to the quarterly GDP estimates and forecasts at the regional level (i.e., with a minimum compilation delay with respect to the national quarterly GDP)Forecasting, Spanish economy, Regional analysis, Benchmarking, Chain-linking

    Establishing trust in online advertising with signed transactions

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    Programmatic advertising operates one of the most sophisticated and efficient service platforms on the Internet. However, the complexity of this ecosystem is a direct cause of one of the most important problems in online advertising, the lack of transparency. This lack of transparency enables subsequent problems such as advertising fraud, which causes billions of dollars in losses. In this paper we propose Ads.chain, a technological solution to the lack-of-transparency problem in programmatic advertising. Ads.chain extends the current effort of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) in providing traceability in online advertising through the Ads.txt and Ads.cert solutions, addressing the limitations of these techniques. Ads.chain is (to the best of the authors' knowledge) the first solution that provides end-to-end cryptographic traceability at the ad transaction level. It is a communication protocol that can be seamlessly embedded into ad-tags and the OpenRTB protocol, the de-facto standards for communications in online advertising, allowing an incremental adoption by the industry. We have implemented Ads.chain and made the code publicly available. We assess the performance of Ads.chain through a thorough analysis in a lab environment that emulates a real ad delivery process at real-life throughputs. The obtained results show that Ads.chain can be implemented with limited impact on the hardware resources and marginal delay increments at the publishers lower than 0.20 milliseconds per ad space on webpages and 2.6 milliseconds at the programmatic advertising platforms. These results confirm that Ads.chain's impact on the user experience and the overall operation of the programmatic ad delivery process can be considered negligible.The research leading to these results has received funding from: the European Union's Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement No 871370 (PIMCITY project) and grant agreement 78674 (SMOOTH Project); the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, and the European Social Fund (EU), under the Ramón y Cajal programme (grant RyC-2015-17732), project TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R, and the FPI grant BES-2017-080053; and the TAPTAP Digital-UC3M Chair in Advanced AI and Data Science applied to Advertising and Marketing

    Digital Marketing Attribution: Understanding the User Path

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    This article belongs to the Section Computer Science & EngineeringDigital marketing is a profitable business generating annual revenue over USD 200B and an inter-annual growth over 20%. The definition of efficient marketing investment strategies across different types of channels and campaigns is a key task in digital marketing. Attribution models are an instrument used to assess the return of investment of different channels and campaigns so that they can assist in the decision-making process. A new generation of more powerful data-driven attribution models has irrupted in the market in the last years. Unfortunately, its adoption is slower than expected. One of the main reasons is that the industry lacks a proper understanding of these models and how to configure them. To solve this issue, in this paper, we present an empirical study to better understand the key properties of user-paths and their impact on attribution models. Our analysis is based on a large-scale dataset including more than 95M user-paths from real advertising campaigns of an international hoteling group. The main contribution of the paper is a set of recommendation to build accurate, interpretable and computationally efficient attribution models such as: (i) the use of linear regression, an interpretable machine learning algorithm, to build accurate attribution models; (ii) user-paths including around 12 events are enough to produce accurate models; (iii) the recency of events considered in the user-paths is important for the accuracy of the model.The research leading to these results has received funding from: the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement No 786741 (SMOOTH project) and the gran agreement No 871370 (PIMCITY project); the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, and the European Social Fund(EU), under the Ramón y Cajal programme (grant RyC-2015-17732);the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the project ACHILLES (Grant PID2019-104207RB-I00); the Community of Madrid synergic project EMPATIA-CM (Grant Y2018/TCS-5046)

    Improving security in data-centric storage for wireless sensor networks

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    This paper proposes a novel mechanism to provide with security to existing Data-Centric Storage (DCS) solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks. The goal is to achieve a high security level without modifying standard DCS premises or increasing the network overhead. This means we just use the messages an operations already defined by DCS solutions. Our goal is to fulfil two security requirements: (i) only legitimate nodes for an application should be able to access the information of that application, and (ii) avoid long-term Denial of Service attacks targeting an application that operates in the network. Toward this end we define two different solutions depending on whether the sensor nodes in the network are resource-limited or powerful. We run extensive simulations and discuss the efficiency of the proposed solution under two different DCS solutions: GHT that proposes to use a single and static storage node per application, and STARR-DCS that uses multiple storage nodes per application that in addition change over the time. Based on the obtained results and discussion we conclude that changing replication nodes over the time is by itself a smart approach to avoid long-term attacks.The research leading to these results has been partially funded by the Spanish MEC under the CRAMNET project (TEC2012-38362-C03-01) and by the General Directorate of Universities and Research of the Regional Government of Madrid under the MEDIANET Project (S2009/TIC-1468), NSERC DIVA Network Program, Canada Research Chairs Program, the Ontario Research Fund (ORF), ORNEC, the Early Ontario Researcher Award, the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)

    Optimizing the frequency capping: a robust and reliable methodology to define the number of ads to Maximize ROAS

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    The goal of digital marketing is to connect advertisers with users that are interested in their products. This means serving ads to users, and it could lead to a user receiving hundreds of impressions of the same ad. Consequently, advertisers can define a maximum threshold to the number of impressions a user can receive, referred to as Frequency Cap. However, low frequency caps mean many users are not engaging with the advertiser. By contrast, with high frequency caps, users may receive many ads leading to annoyance and wasting budget. We build a robust and reliable methodology to define the number of ads that should be delivered to different users to maximize the ROAS and reduce the possibility that users get annoyed with the ads" brand. The methodology uses a novel technique to find the optimal frequency capping based on the number of non-clicked impressions rather than the traditional number of received impressions. This methodology is validated using simulations and large-scale datasets obtained from real ad campaigns data. To sum up, our work proves that it is feasible to address the frequency capping optimization as a business problem, and we provide a framework that can be used to configure efficient frequency capping values.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under the grant agreement No 871370 (PIMCITY project); the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, and the European Social Fund(EU), under the Ramón y Cajal programme (Grant RyC-2015-17732); the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the project ACHILLES (Grant PID2019-104207RB-I00); the Community of Madrid synergic project EMPATIA-CM (Grant Y2018/TCS-5046); and the Fundación BBVA under the project AERIS